Why The Scale Weight Isn’t The Only Measurement You Need

When you try to lose weight and get fit, you normally depend on the scale [...]

Exercises To Grow A Perky Butt

If you want to make a good first impression, focus on your make-up, hair, and [...]

Lifestyle Changes Worth Making This Year

If you’re one of the people in Calgary, Canada, who makes resolutions at the start [...]

Can Exercise Really Lift My Mood?

Everyone has those days when they feel down and only want to lay in bed [...]

Is Gut Health That Important?

In Calgary, Canada, staying healthy is a popular topic. Every day, people are exchanging unhealthy [...]

Are Eggs Really That Bad For Me?

If you want low-cost protein, consider beans, lentils, and eggs. One of the benefits of [...]

Staying Fit While Traveling

If you’re constantly traveling, you might find that staying fit is nearly impossible. Don’t give [...]

What Is Mindful Eating?

If you’re trying to lose weight, you’ve probably suffered through endless diets and consumed food [...]

A Healthy Lifestyle Can Lift Your Mood

Even the happiest person has had “one of those days.” There are times when you [...]

Why You Should Try A Spin Class

You might be surprised that I would recommend a spin class for clients in Calgary, [...]

Fitness Products You DO NOT Need To Buy

Whether you’re just starting to workout or a seasoned veteran, you probably want any equipment [...]

Why 10K Steps A Day

There’s a big movement to do 10K steps a day. Even some insurance companies in [...]