Nutrition For Weight Loss

Good nutrition and a program of exercise is the prescription for many in Calgary, Canada, whose goal is weight loss. It’s a recipe for success. It’s going back to the basics and focusing on more whole foods while cutting out all foods with added sugar. There are key nutrients necessary for weight loss. For a weight loss program to succeed, you have to make sure you’re eating the foods that contain these nutrients. Healthy fat is one of those. It may seem contradictory, but consuming food with healthy fat can boost weight loss since fat is necessary to burn fat.

What are the healthy fats that can help?

Healthy fat definitely doesn’t come from a deep-fat fryer. Foods containing healthy fat include olives, olive oil, nuts, and avocados. Fat digests slower, so you feel fuller longer. It’s necessary for many functions in the body. Studies show that cutting out all fat can harm your body and increase the potential for weight gain. Fat gives food texture and flavor. The fat removed from fat-free foods is often replaced with sugar to improve the flavor, making weight gain a greater risk. Choose food with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat and avoid all food with trans fats.

Fat-fighting foods include pastured animal products.

If you consume animal products like eggs, milk, or meat, you’ll be boosting your weight loss efforts. The same is true of eating almonds, peanuts, and walnuts. These all provide arginine. It’s a fat-fighter to help you on your weight-loss mission. One study in the Journal of Dietary Supplements used obese women as subjects. They were divided into two groups. One group took L-arginine for twelve weeks, and the other didn’t. The group taking the L-arginine supplements for twelve weeks lost 6.5 more pounds than the women who didn’t. They also lost 6.5 more inches. Other studies showed that L-arginine helped reduce adipose fat, particularly belly fat.

Include foods high in magnesium to help boost weight loss.

Magnesium is necessary to burn fat and synthesize protein. It helps reduce insulin levels while improving fasting glucose levels. A study showed that supplementing with magnesium could improve protein synthesis and help burn fat. It reduces the fat stored. You don’t have to supplement with magnesium, just make sure you eat avocados, cashews, dark leafy vegetables, and almonds.

  • Eat more fruits and vegetables in states closer to their natural state, which means avoiding fried veggies and those with sauces. It’s difficult to eat too many calories when your diet is primarily fresh fruits and veggies.
  • Losing weight involves more than just what you eat, it also means you need to watch what you drink. Avoid sugary drinks, fruit drinks, and diet drinks. Studies show that low-calorie drinks add belly fat. Stick with water, plain coffee, or unsweetened tea.
  • Eat food higher in potassium. Potassium helps muscle recovery and is a natural diuretic. Food containing potassium includes avocados, bananas, and leafy greens.
  • Include food high in fiber. Fiber slows the absorption of glucose, so you’ll have fewer blood sugar spikes and reduce the risk of insulin resistance which can add pounds.

For more information, contact us today at Get RIPPED! by Jari Love

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