Is It Better To Workout At The Same Time Every Day

Clients who workout to my videos and those who workout with me in Calgary, Canada, all get the same advice. You need to workout at the same time every day. Why is that important? It’s important to set a schedule, whether you go to a gym, have a personal trainer or workout at home. However, if you workout at home it’s even more important. A personal trainer has a scheduled appointment already, which is one reason people who use their services are so successful.

Creating a habit starts by choosing a time that’s right for you.

You need a time when both your energy level and schedule cooperate. Although, some people find that when they start a workout tired, they start to feel more energized before the workout ends. Scheduling a workout makes it important. Like any other appointment, you’ll be more apt to do it and less prone to allow the stresses of the day to fill that time slot.

Use your judgement as to which is best, boosting your energy for the day or burning off stress.

If the first thing you do when you get up in the morning is your workout, how does it set the pace for the day. Some people simply aren’t morning people and find that they often sleep through their workout time or struggle when they actually do it. For others, it’s a great way to get started for the day. Those who hate morning exercise find that after work or even at noon suits them best. They burn off the hormones of stress and feel more relaxed and energized when doing it later in the day.

It’s even more important to have an outline of your workout.

Winners keep score. Be prepared with a list of the exercises you’ll be doing and the number of reps. Track your workout. Our DVDs and live streams create the program for you, so you don’t waste time trying to figure out what to do next. We even have a tracker where you can record what you eat and your program of exercise. Why do winners keep score? It makes them accountable, and they can see the progress they’ve made.

  • When you schedule your workout and track it, there’s no wasting time trying to remember how many sets of an exercise were done yesterday or if you’re making progress. You can look at your progress over weeks and months, which is also quite motivating.
  • When you workout at the same time every day it becomes a habit, part of your daily routine, like brushing your teeth. It’s harder to break a habit.
  • Scheduling and tracking your workout help you get it done in less time. You start with the workout immediately without the hassle of what to do next. Busy people schedule both their workout and what exercises they’ll be doing.
  • Whether you workout with Team Jari Live or choose DVDs, it’s easy to stick with either program when it is at the same time every day.

For more information, contact us today at Get Ripped!

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