Category Archives: Blog

How To Get Your Kids To Exercise

Part of being a good parent is to keep your kids healthy and develop healthy [...]

Is The Food Pyramid Still Relevant?

You wouldn’t think that there would be much that changes when you talk about food [...]

Facts About Pomegranates

Did you know pomegranates are actually berries. They’re big and red, looking a bit like [...]

Health Benefits Of Cinnamon

I focus on exercise, but I also know that you have to eat healthy to [...]

All You Need To Know About Avocados

Even though it seems like a vegetable, avocados are really fruits. These special fruits are [...]

Can Eating Meat Cause Diabetes?

If you worry about diabetes, you probably already know that eating fewer carbs, specifically sugar, [...]

Healthy Habits For Your Heart

You don’t have to live in Calgary, Canada, to worry about heart disease. It’s one [...]

Benefits Of Daily Walking

When was the last time you went for a stroll through the neighborhood? You’ll be [...]

Are Probiotics Right For You

Your body is more than just cells. In fact, you’re full of little invaders called [...]

Physiological Responses To Sugar

Everywhere you look, there’s a sweet treat beckoning you, but it’s important to keep your [...]

Hydration And Weight Loss

Whether it’s summer or winter in Calgary, Canada, I make sure to drink plenty of [...]

How To Develop A New Healthy Habit

If you’re out of shape, getting fit may seem overwhelming. There are so many things [...]