Category Archives: Fitness Tips

Things You Can Do At Night to Promote Weight Loss

Of course nights are great for going on dates, binge-watching Netflix, doing work, chatting on [...]

Lifestyle Change – A Wake Up Call

It happens to everyone. That moment when you realize that it’s time to do something [...]

Get Rid of Stubborn Back Fat With These 5 Tips

Back fat (bulge) around the bra area and that pesky muffin top plague plenty of [...]

Food Intolerance or Disease…Foods to Avoid

Do you have food allergies? Some of us know people who are “deathly” allergic to [...]

The Cure for Lazy

Is there a cure for lazy? I wonder. I mean I know a lot of [...]

Hitting an Exercise Plateau: What to do

What is an exercise plateau? When you reach an exercise plateau, your body becomes accustomed [...]

Burpees – Great Exercise to Love to Hate!

Exercise name: Burpees! Muscle Groups Worked: Core muscles; Glutes/Quads/Hamstrings; Deltoids/Pectorals/Triceps/Erector spinae Equipment Used: Body weight [...]

5 fitness mistakes to avoid

Stroll through any gym and you’ll notice many mistakes. Mistakes that waste time. Mistakes that [...]

Falling Off the Exercise Wagon

The universe will provide plenty of excuses for falling off the exercise wagon if you’re [...]

Beach Ready Abs in 11 Easy Steps!

Summer has arrived, bringing with it the promise of warm weather to come. You know [...]

Lose Weight Like A Guy

He drops pounds overnight, you gain weight just by glancing at a doughnut. Here are [...]

Strength Training for All Ages

“What? I am supposed to go to the gym and start lifting barbells at my [...]