Finding The Time To Workout

Finding the time to workout Isn’t easy when you’re busy. In fact, setting aside an entire hour might be impossible, no matter how important it is. A perfect solution is to break your workout into sections and do at least three ten minute sessions throughout the day. You can pick any one of the videos and put it on pause and then resume the workout during your next free ten minutes. Studies show, it’s just as effective ten minutes at a time.

Include walking in your workout.

Not every workout has to be about floor or bodyweight exercises. You can walk. Find ways to incorporate more walking in your day. It’s even better if you’re in a hurry, because your walk will be brisker. Get a pedometer, or an app for your phone. It can become a challenge you can do every day, but particularly good when you want to alternate between a regular workout and an alternative.

Try some of the short workouts you can do in your office.

There are exercises that require a chair on my tapes and ones that can be done easily in the office. Select a few and do them periodically through the day. Don’t make any of these types of workouts a habit, but they’re far better than not doing anything. Chair raises, chair leg lift, wall slides and many more exercises can take a few minutes, but add to your fitness regimen and cut down the time you need to workout at home.

What’s a four-minute nitric oxide dump?

Dr. Zach Bush created the nitric oxide dump. Nitric oxide is part of the vessel inner layer the endothelium. It signals the vessels to dilate and deliver oxygen and nutrients to the muscles. If you workout muscles longer than 90 seconds, it burns up the stored amount. By working larger muscles just 90 seconds several times a day, you’ll get an efficient alternative workout. It starts with doing three sets four exercises at ten repetitions each; squats, tin soldier, snow angels and military press. Gradually, increase the number of reps to 20 each set.

  • Increase the intensity of your workout. You’re supposed to get 300 minutes of moderate exercise every day or 150 minutes or more of intense exercise. By increasing your intensity, you’ll be cutting your time.
  • Combine two tasks into one. Workout with the kids by playing. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. You can make it a challenge if you work on a top floor by increasing the number of flights you walk every week. Do chores vigorously and make them a workout.
  • Make every walk a brisk walk. Push your pace faster. Studies show that people who walk briskly and take longer strides, live longer.
  • Try getting up earlier or walking during lunch hour. Recheck your schedule to see if you can find an alternative time that works.

For more information, contact us today at Jari Love

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